Monday 10 December 2012

Recipe - Baked curry puffs

I just bought a packet of curry powder from the Marine Parade hawker centre (Blk 84) for my chicken curry. It is so fragrant that I used the curry powder for my curry puffs’ fillings too. Below is the recipe. 

Oh yes, I forgot to thank my brother, who helped me in taking the photographs and glazing the puffs before they were sent into the oven.

Ingredients (makes approximately 20 small puffs)

For pastry:
·          3 cups plain / all-purpose flour, sifted
·          1 tsp salt
·          1 block of cold SCS unsalted butter (227g), cut to small cubes
·          1/4 cup cold water

For fillings:
·          Cooking oil
·          4 cloves garlic, minced
·          2 tsp ginger, grated
·          2 medium onions (white), sliced
·          3 tbsp curry powder
·          Salt (to taste)
·          3 small potatoes, diced
·          3 pieces chicken thighs
·          3/4 cup water

For glaze:
·          1 beaten egg


1.      Rub the small cubes of butter into the sifted flour until it resembles breadcrumbs. Remember to use fingertips to rub butter into the flour.
2.      Add in water slowly, kneading at the same time until a dough is formed.
3.      Divide into 4 portions and shape them into balls. Transfer into plastic wraps, wrap up tightly and refrigerate for about 15 minutes for the dough to harden (so that it will be easier to roll).
4.      To make the filling, stir-fry the garlic, ginger, onions with oil until fragrant. Add in the potatoes until 1/3 cooked (make sure the potatoes are not completely cooked else it will be too mashy).
5.      Add a little water to the curry powder until a paste is formed. Then, add in the paste to the potato mixture and stir-fry evenly.
6.      Add in chicken and a little salt (to taste) and stir evenly (again, make sure the chicken are not over cooked as we need to simmer the mixture later).
7.      Add in water and stir evenly. Cover, lower heat and simmer for about 20 – 25 minutes. Open the lid every 10 minutes and stir slightly, making sure the mixture is not dried up and stick to the bottom of the pan.
8.      Remove from heat and allow it to cool completely.
9.      Preheat oven to 180°C.
10. Roll out the pastry balls to about 3 – 4 mm thick. Cut out circles.
11. Place the fillings on one side of the pastry and fold the pastry over. Pinch the edges to seal before using a fork to press the edges together.
12. Place on a baking tray and brush with the beaten egg.
13. Bake the puffs for about 25 – 30 minutes, until golden brown.
14. Serve immediately. 

 Before lowering the heat and simmering it. 

After simmering, the water is being absorbed into the potato mixture.

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